Together with literalist and/or ideological readings of Genesis, the prohibition of crossdressing in the book of Leviticus is perhaps the 'clobber text' most commonly hurled at transgender people. Yet, like other texts, it needs to be understood in its context. If we did not do that we would quickly have to seek to round up so many people, not least many modern Christian women who have long since given up covering their heads in church worship or wearing strictly separate clothing. We would also have to attend to many more (to the modern eye) strange commands in Leviticus (such as not eating sea food and avoiding certain fabrics). These were dispensed with as obligations in the first decades of the early Christian movement, as it affirmed Gentiles as full members of the Church even though their lifestyles were different from those of Jewish Christians - surely a precedent to learn from there?!
Those transgender people who undergo significant medical, social and other transitions understandably also wish to point out that this text does not relate to their gender identity. However, it is important that other members of the broader gender nonconforming community are also affirmed and defended from attack on this score. Many crossdressers continue to suffer from unnecessary shame and hurt and attacks of various kinds (from ridicule to actual violence) are made upon them. We need to affirm everyone in the infinite variety of God's rainbow creation.
Austen Hartke offers one helpful summary of the ancient background and how this text can be approached healthily today,...
Those transgender people who undergo significant medical, social and other transitions understandably also wish to point out that this text does not relate to their gender identity. However, it is important that other members of the broader gender nonconforming community are also affirmed and defended from attack on this score. Many crossdressers continue to suffer from unnecessary shame and hurt and attacks of various kinds (from ridicule to actual violence) are made upon them. We need to affirm everyone in the infinite variety of God's rainbow creation.
Austen Hartke offers one helpful summary of the ancient background and how this text can be approached healthily today,...